Your aura is your first point of contact with the world, and it can often say more about you than your words do. It’s a bubble that extends above you, beneath you, in front of you, behind you, and to either side. It’s like your energy skin. But for most of us, it tends to expand to about two to three feet outside our skin. And then there are other people who have their auras extended out so far that they fill up the entire room.
Therefore, some people around us can carry past trauma for whatever reason or some kind of negative energy which may become a stagnant energy in your aura and adds a layer of scar tissue. And too many scars can make your aura so thick that it distances you from the reality of the present moment. It’s like looking at life through a dirty pair of scratched-up glasses. It’s an inaccurate interpretation of what’s in front of you. You may feel isolated and have no idea why.
Using Reiki healing energy, I assist you in healing Emotional, Physical, Ancestral trauma and I balance your Aura while cleansing them. It’s a practice that involves removing stagnant energies and emotional blockages.